Free College at 4Cs

Go to Cape Cod Community College for Free!


无论你的年龄或收入如何:如果你住在马萨诸塞州,没有学士学位, 由于MassReconnect和MassEducate项目,你可以免费参加4c.

No tuition. No fees. 4c提供的所有学位和证书都是合格的.

Have prior credits from another college? Returning to 4Cs after some time away? Starting fresh as a first-time college student? 我们支持你,让你开始新的篇章!

How to Get Started

The first two things you need to do are Apply to 4Cs and complete the free application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 申请学院是免费的,完成FAFSA是获得和维持免费学院的必要步骤.

We're here to help you every step of the way! 如果您在申请或课程选择方面有问题或需要帮助, reach out to our Admissions Team at



  • Not have a previous Bachelor’s degree.
  • 实际居住在马萨诸塞州至少一年, as of the start of your first enrolled term.
  • Have earned a high school diploma or equivalent.

How to Receive and Keep Free College Status

  • 注册至少6个学分(两个班)每学期在批准的副学士学位或证书课程.
  • Have a completed FAFSA on-file EVERY year. Financial Aid is the foundation of free College, 这意味着你必须每年都参加FAFSA以保持资格. 
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress. 这意味着你每学期都要修这6个学分,而且不能逃课! 低于6个学分和/或辍学会影响你的经济资助, 也就是说你可以让自己失去资格,然后收到账单 don't do that!

We’ll Help With the Rest!

After you apply to and complete your financial aid, 我们的招生团队将帮助您规划您的学期, register for classes, 并回答你det365中文上大学以及如何保持免费大学身份的所有问题.

Support Systems for Your Success

我们知道上大学可能会让人感到难以承受, but don't worry – at 4Cs, 我们有一系列的支持系统来帮助你在课堂内外茁壮成长.


还在考虑4c是否适合你? We invite you to register for a campus visit, 让您亲身体验在4c等待您的充满活力的氛围和广泛的机会.

Register to visit campus

Students walking on campus


MassEducate and MassReconnect 允许尚未获得学士学位的马萨诸塞州居民就读该州15所社区大学中的任何一所,并支付学费 no tuition or fees. 这两个项目都包括为某些学生提供书籍和用品的津贴.  

MassEducate MassReconnect





每学年提供高达1200美元的书费津贴, supplies, and other expenses, based on household income.* 

提供每学期高达600美元的书籍和用品津贴, regardless of household income.* 

*Actual allowance amount varies by enrollment. 

These programs are available to students who:

  • 从入学学期开始,在马萨诸塞州实际居住至少一年.
  • Are either: 
    • A U.S. 公民,永久合法居民,或符合第四章规定的非公民,或
    • 根据麻萨诸塞州学费公平法,被认可为“高中完成者”.
  • 有高中毕业证书或同等学历.
  • 是否每学期至少修6个学分(通常是两门课),获得副学士学位或证书.
  • 按照学院的要求保持令人满意的学业进步.


**大学早期高中和双招生学生 are eligible only after high school at this time.

All students must complete the current FAFSA or MASFA to be considered eligible for these programs. 对于2024年秋季学期、2025年春季学期和2025年夏季学期,学生必须填写2024-2025表格; 每学年必须提交一份新的财政援助申请,以继续获得资助. 

在4c完成FAFSA和您的注册步骤,我们将从那里开始! 所有符合上述资格标准的马萨诸塞州居民都可以进入免学费的社区大学. 

1. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

2. Apply to 4Cs and enroll in an approved program of study. 4c全年接受申请,不收取申请费. 

Contact Us - We're Here to Help!

Admissions Office

Location: Nickerson Administration Building, Ground Floor
Office Hours: On-Campus: Monday-Friday, 8:30am–4:30pm
Text or Call: 774.330.4311
Fax: 508.375.4089

如果有任何问题或需要帮助,请不要犹豫,det365中文友好的招生团队. We look forward to hearing from you!